Intellectual Property
How the Kingdom of Bahrain protects the intellectual property rights of creators and inventors

Protecting intellectual property
The Kingdom of Bahrain laws protects the intellectual property and is committed to enforce world-class intellectual property rights protections.
Bahrain launched the “Technology Transfer” program which aims to increase patents in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and to embrace inventions and turn them into projects that contribute to creating jobs for citizens. The program links the academic sector with the industrial and commercial sectors in the Kingdom to contribute in building partnerships between businesses and innovative entrepreneurs.
Bahrain joined the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty and was ranked the 44th country on the World’s Economic Forum 2017-2018 Global Competitiveness Index.
Intellectual property rights in Bahrain are protected under the following national laws:
Authors right and attendants rights
The Kingdom of Bahrain laws provides protection to literary, artistic and scientific works upon its creation without the need for any procedural formality regardless of the value of such works, type, purpose of creating them, or method of expression. Protection include, in particular, the following works:
- Books, brochures, articles, leaflets and such other written works.
- Computer software whether written in a source language or a machine language.
- Works that are delivered verbally such as lectures, speeches or sermons and the other works of a similar nature.
- Dramatic works, musical dramas, dances, pantomimes and other works created for theatrical performances.
- Musical works that are accompanied or unaccompanied with words.
- Audiovisual works such as cinematographic and TV works.
- Painting works using lines or colors, sculptures, inscriptions, lithograph, printing on fabrics, wood or metals and any other similar works of this nature.
- Applied works of art.
- Photographic works and similar works.
- Illustrations, geographical maps, designs, sketch and 3-D works related to geography, topography, architecture or science.
A work’s title shall enjoy the same protection prescribed for the work if the title is of a creative nature.
Patents and Inventions
Patents are protected for a period of 20 years from the date of application in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The patent application is submitted to the National Patent Office at the Ministry of Industry & Commerce by the applicant if he is a citizen or resident in the Kingdom of Bahrain; foreign applicants who are not resident in the Kingdom must apply through the IP Registration Office or a law firm in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Guidelines to Write Invention Description
The Electronic Industrial Properties Services allows individuals and enterprises to file for patents online and allows uploading all required documents. The service can be accessed using advanced eKey with more advanced features.
A trademark application is submitted to the Trademark Office at the Ministry of Industry & Commerce by the by the applicant if he is a national or resident in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Foreign applicants who are not resident in the Kingdom must apply through IP Registration Agents or law firms authorised by the Industrial Property Directorate.
The protection period of a trademark is 10 years from the date of application in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Protection can be extended for several similar periods by aubmitting a renewal application which be filed during the last year of each protection period through the Electronic Industrial Properties Services.
Industrial Drawings
The protection period for an industrial drawing and design is 10 years from date of filing in the Kingdom. If the proprietor files a renewal application during the last year of the period, the protection shall be renewed for a further 5 years. The proprietor may also file a renewal application during the 6 months after the expiry date. The industrial drawing and design application must be submitted to the Patent Office Ministry of Industry & Commerce by the applicant if he is a national or resident in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
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