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eParticipation Policy & Guidlines

View the policies that support citizens & residents' engagement in developing future government projects.

The government is committed to providing digital alternatives to traditional participation channels, and continuously improving them. Additional digital participation channels introduced to the public include crowdsourcing and open data.

eParticipation policies and guidelines ensure the participation of all members of society, including the most vulnerable groups such as women, youths and people with disabilities in the decision making process.

eParticipation Policy

The Government of Bahrain considers eParticipation as a tool for engagement to strengthen the collaboration between government entities and its constituents. The Government provides the right capabilities and support for government entities to be more effective in the implementation of public services, policies and programs as envisioned in the Kingdom’s Economic Vision 2030.

The eParticipation policy highlights the government's commitment to providing electronic participation and strengthening the use of social media channels to connect with the public. The purpose of the eParticipation Policy is to:

  • Ensure greater transparency, openness, and inclusiveness in government operations.
  • Encourage constituent participation and facilitate public service innovation.
  • Support the development of necessary rules and regulations that will regulate and monitor the usage and performance of eParticipation processes and tools.
  • Be a reference and facilitate the clarification on the procedures and responsibilities involved in eParticipation process in the Kingdom.
  • Raise the awareness and knowledge about eParticipation process in the Kingdom.

Download the eParticipation Policy.

Social Media Policy

The Kingdom of Bahrain’s Social Media Policy regulates official communication through social media channels. Jointly drafted by the Ministry of Information Affairs, the Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA), and the University of Bahrain, it provides clear guidelines on how government entities, employees, and senior officials use social media tools and engage with the public.

eParticipation Process

The government seeks feedback and advice from the public to ensure the highest levels of satisfaction, transparency, and effectiveness. People are encouraged to engage with the government through digital channels such as opinion polls, surveys, blogs, and via the National Suggestions & Complaints System Tawasul.

eConsultation Policy Process

The following is the general cycle for eConsultation, which may be modified depending on need, urgency, and the topics being discussed.

Step 1: Identifying eConsultation Activity

Publishing eConsultation topics, and defining the objectives of the process, the potential impact of this issue on citizens, timelines, and any additional required information.

Step 2: Broadcasting the Topic

Raising awareness and encouraging participation of the target audience by broadcasting the topic through digital media channels.

Step 3: Collecting Feedback and Responses

Monitoring responses and feedback posted on designated channels and moderating the use of inappropriate language. Responses are consolidated and timely feedback is provided on any queries raised by participants.

Step 4: Analysing Responses

Once responses are received, the feedback is analysed, and appropriate decisions are taken based on this information.

Step 5: Announcing the Decision

Communicating and announcing the decision through appropriate online channels.

Step 6: Closure and Archive

After the completion of the eConsultation cycle, that topic of discussion is closed until/unless further consultation is required. Records of the full cycle process are maintained for each topic.